Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How distant bodies of Solar System influence us?

Detail notes on researching Kora (MPC 136199) and other Solar System bodies

How distant bodies form the solar system (like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Kora) influence our natal charts? There seem to be two main ways - linkage to the personal planets by aspect and dynamically by transit (from slower moving) and progression (from faster moving planets). Most important, both for natal aspect or dynamic transit, are conjuction and oppostion, squares seem to be less important from these two, no matter if this is aspect Jupiter or Saturn or Pluto or Kora etc. to Sun.

My observations are focused on charts where this new point is in conjuction and opposition to personal planets, especially to Sun and/or Moon or forming tight aspect figures like T-Square. I do not list ascendant here because it is always a bit in doubt. Most important aspects are those in orb up to 2-3 degrees, and there are always fewer charts that has reliably confirmed ascendant and MC with exactitude better than these +-2 degrees. These should be those circumstances where will be a fair chance that it's characteristics will be at least partially visible and having enough impact on personality to offer any chance at all to filter it from the rest of personality traits. As this planet is moving so slowly, transits from it are mostly exluded and it leaves only transits to it from other bodies.

On the other side my perception is that even so called 'personal planets' with weak or no link to other important chart points seems to be most of the time too weak to draw clear conlusions and have not the biggest influence on personality. So the rule that "far away outer planet" is personally non important is not exact. On any charts where it is linked to Asc and/or moon and/or sun it is as important as any other personal planet for person's personality, and if linked to two or more of these points it is even more important than any personal planet not linked that way...

I live here rulership issue out, since these are cases more difficult to sort out from any other influence in the chart. The only promising situation would be two "would be rulers" (like Venus vs. Kora) of the sign occupied by planets and other sensitive points in two extreme situations: the ruler in exact grand trine vs the ruler in the T-Square/Grand Square, but these are very rare occasions so I have only few such charts to study exactly this one rulership issue. Rulership so far is derived more from similarity to Taurus sign traits than to such charts resolved.

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