Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tranist graph bar 2014

Jupiter joining Uranus-Pluton square this winter and spring brings us some more interesting times.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Graphical transits for year 2012

Uranus and Pluton square being the main theme this year with some aftereffect of Saturn opposition Kora in the first half of year with the peek in the summer.

And then some more years of Pluto-Uranus square to come.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Urania 1.93 released

Dosen of small changes, improvements and bug corrections, and some new summer time changes in the world added. Download as usual at urania page. Do not forget to backup chart database before installing it, it is located in sub-directory "Osoby" (default "C:\AstroSfera\Urania Trial\Osoby\").

Users of previous versions will need to manually run utility "dbconv.exe" for newly added fields. It is located in folder where file "urania.exe" is located, on default install it is "C:\AstroSfera\Urania Trial\dbconv.exe" . It has one big button (not translated yet...) - press it and it does the rest of the job.

Download at astrology software